Why not meditate?

126. The power of meditation: A journey of love, healing, and transformation - Vivie Bishop & Hans Hoogeveen

Masako Kozawa / Vivie Bishop / Hans Hoogeveen Season 4 Episode 126


A collection of my photography work is currently on display at Pastry Art Café in Sarasota, Florida, through the end of May. If you’re in town, I hope you’ll stop by and see it in person! You can also view all the pieces here.


In this episode, Vivie Bishop and Hans Hoogeveen share their transformative journeys with meditation, their serendipitous meeting, and evolving spiritual practices. Vivie discusses her extensive experience with Dr Joe Dispenza's meditations, which led to meeting Hans, while Hans recounts his own meditative experiences and the incredible impact on his work as a craniosacral therapist. Together, they founded the Opt for Light Rejuvenation Center in Sarasota, FL, where they offer various healing modalities, including spiritual coaching, craniosacral therapy, and one of a kind Zazen Scalar Lounge. 

About Vivie & Hans:

Resources discussed in this episode:

Ways to connect with Masako:

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