Why not meditate?
Are you someone who feels life is moving too fast and you can’t keep up with everything without going crazy? Or someone who has heard of benefits of meditation, but doesn’t know where to start? Or, someone who has tried it here and there, but hasn’t been able to stick to it? If so, this show is for you! Each week, host Masako Kozawa invites you to honest conversations by sharing basics of meditation, roadblocks many might encounter, practical steps to take, and how your daily practice could radically transform your life. Are you ready to learn this ancient life hack and upgrade your life?
Why not meditate?
112. It’s time to create and live in your Heaven on Earth - Kelly Kennedy (1 of 2)
What does it mean to live in Heaven on Earth? What does Heaven on Earth represent for you? In the part 1 of this 2 part series, we welcome a co-founder of The True Wellness Center, Kelly Kennedy, and dive deep into how we can raise our frequency, have our heart, mind, and gut in alignment, and create and live in Heaven on Earth.
Kelly’s career in medicine started with a more traditional, allopathic approach, but that changed after she experienced several traumatic events, which made her realize that there’s got to be a better way than just taking medications and undergoing surgeries. For the last 27 years, Kelly has dedicated her life to uncovering answers to healing through alternative therapies, including bio-regulatory medicine, energy medicine, and somatic work. For the past 19 years, she and her husband have been treating clients at their clinic, called The True Wellness Center, located in Pennsylvania.
About Kelly:
- Website: https://thetruewellnesscenter.com/
- FREE Download - Learn Kelly's F.L.O.W.E. Formula here
- Take Kelly's Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Masterclass here
- Podcast: FLOWE with Kelly Kennedy
- YouTube channel
- IG: @truewellnessglobal
- IG: @kellywellnessgirl
Resources discussed in this episode:
- Origin of Allopathic/Western medicine
- Germ theory vs. Terrain theory
- Rockefeller Medicine Men : Medicine and Capitalism in America
- Integrative Medicine vs. Functional Medicine
- What is Bio-Regulatory Medicine?
- What is Swiss Biological Medicine (= Bio-Regulatory Medicine)?
- What is Heart Rate Variability (HRV)?
- Emotion - Internal Organ Connection in Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Documentary: "My Octopus Teacher"
Ways to connect with Masako:
- Let's meditate together on InsightTimer!
- Why not meditate? FB Group
- whynotmeditate.podcast IG
- masakozawa_coaching IG
- Website