Why not meditate?
Are you someone who feels life is moving too fast and you can’t keep up with everything without going crazy? Or someone who has heard of benefits of meditation, but doesn’t know where to start? Or, someone who has tried it here and there, but hasn’t been able to stick to it? If so, this show is for you! Each week, host Masako Kozawa invites you to honest conversations by sharing basics of meditation, roadblocks many might encounter, practical steps to take, and how your daily practice could radically transform your life. Are you ready to learn this ancient life hack and upgrade your life?
Why not meditate?
104. Trust your internal guidance and come home to yourself - KJ Nasrul
How often do you rest when you are tired? How often do you push through despite of what your body is trying to tell you?
Most of us tend to ignore our body's needs and sometimes end up with a severe situation that wakes us up. In this episode, a licensed trauma-focused psychotherapist, artist, speaker, and retreat host, KJ Nasral, shares what her recent medical events upon returning from hosting blissful retreats in the Islands of Bali and Hawaii and the profound reminders she received.
Listen to the first episode with KJ here: Episode 57. How to follow your curiosity and uncover your soul purpose - KJ Nasrul
How to contact KJ and find more about the Bali & Hawaii Retreats:
- Instagram: @BlissBeginsRetreats
- Website: Bliss Begins Within Psychotherapy & Consulting
- Podcast: Stories Of Astonishing Light
**Mention ‘MASAKO’ and receive Friends and Family discount - $2000 OFF Tuition!!**
Dates & Locations for 2024 Retreats
- May 30 - June 6 (TBD, confirming now)
- August 17 - 23 - Bali + Lombok
- September 5 - 12 - Bali + Lombok
- Mid October 10 - 14 - Hawaii (TBD, confirming now)
- December 5 - 12 - Bali + Lombok
Bali Retreat Webpage: Join Us In Bali!
Book a Hello Call to Talk Bali (and mention MASAKO for your Friends Special Pricing) here: HELLO, BALI!
Resources discussed in this episode:
Signs and Symptoms leading up to the discovery of the blood clot, seizures and Stroke:
- F - Face - Tingling, prickling, numbness on cheek and mouth.
- A - Arms - Tingling and numbness in arms, loss of grip strength in hands.
- S - Speech - Loss of ability to speak coherently, or at all. Confused speech.
- T - TIME - Respond quickly and timely.
Ways to connect with Masako:
- Let's meditate together on InsightTimer!
- Why not meditate? FB Group
- whynotmeditate.podcast IG
- masakozawa_coaching IG
- Website